Maker’s Knowledge and the Present of Time

Takeaways from Oliver Reichenstein’s Product at Heart 2024 Keynote


What would product development look like if we weren’t rushed by deadlines and stakeholder pressure? Oliver Reichenstein’s talk, Maker’s Knowledge and the Present of Time, explores this question by advocating for taking time to craft meaningful products. Founder of iA, Oliver emphasizes the importance of slowing down and deeply understanding the process to create high-quality, human-centered products—without the artificial constraints of time.

1. The Value of Maker’s Knowledge

We only fully grasp what we’ve built ourselves, which is why great products require time.

Oliver Reichenstein presented a philosophical approach to product development, referencing Giambattista Vico’s idea that we truly understand only what we create ourselves, a concept known as Maker’s Knowledge or verum factum—the idea that true understanding comes from creation. His mantra, "We learn languages by speaking, not by starting with grammar.," illustrates the idea that learning and understanding come through hands-on experience, not from external instruction.

By taking the time to fully explore and refine a product, we can create something that isn’t just functional, but truly valuable. This was evident in iA’s own products, such as iA Writer, which was born from this mindset of thoughtful craftsmanship.

2. Give Yourself Time for Quality

We truly understand only what we create ourselves, which is why great products take time.

Oliver Reichenstein offered a philosophical take on product development, referencing Giambattista Vico's idea that we truly understand only what we create ourselves, a concept known as Maker's Knowledge or verum factum—the belief that true understanding comes from creation. His mantra, "We learn languages by speaking, not by starting with grammar," encapsulates this notion: we learn and understand through hands-on experience, not through instruction.

Taking the time to explore and refine a product allows it to be more than just functional—it can become truly valuable. This was demonstrated in iA’s own products, such as iA Writer, which emerged from a mindset of thoughtful craftsmanship.

3. Innovation Beyond AI: Delivering Meaningful Experiences

While much of the tech world focuses on AI-driven innovation, Oliver presented a different perspective: true innovation doesn’t have to rely on the latest technology. Instead, it can come from crafting products that offer genuine, human-centered experiences. For instance, Oliver shared how iA Notebook was developed with a focus on simplicity and functionality, delivering an experience that enhances focus and creativity without unnecessary complexity. By avoiding the race to keep up with trends, we can focus on delivering something more substantial and impactful.

4. Investing Time for Long-Term Value

Investing more time in the product development process, while slower, leads to more efficient and valuable products in the long run. This focus on quality over speed ensures that the end result will be something that stands the test of time, saving users time and providing them with a better experience. This philosophy has shaped Oliver’s own work at iA Inc., with products like iA Writer and iA Notebook achieving both niche excellence and long-term value.


Four Key Pieces of Advice

Here are four main takeaways from Oliver’s talk:

  • Embrace Maker’s Knowledge: True understanding comes from creating, not just following instructions. Take the time to learn by doing.

  • Allow Time for Quality: High-quality products require time and thoughtful craftsmanship rather than rushing to meet deadlines.

  • Focus on Meaningful Innovation: Innovation should center on human-centered, simple, and functional experiences, not just the latest tech trends.

  • Prioritize Long-Term Value: Invest time in product development to ensure long-term efficiency and sustainability, rather than prioritizing speed.

Watch the Talk


A Handy Sketchnote


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