Providing directional clarity to the people around you

Main Stage K6

Emily Tate: From Chaos to Clarity (and Back Again)
Francesca Cortesi: Leading with clarity: concrete tips and learning from our journey towards an empowered product organization
Simon Cross: Extreme Clarity: why it matters and how to practice it

From Chaos to Clarity (and Back Again)

Driving alignment and clarity across teams is one of the most important tasks of a leader, but is also one of the hardest. It’s particularly hard in times of change such as shifts in strategy, periods of high growth, or crisis. In this session, Emily Tate will lay out lessons she’s learned about creating clarity through different stages of Mind the Product’s journey, including:

  • A framework for thinking about alignment and where your team sits

  • Ways to achieve clarity within your team

  • Practical tips for maintaining clarity beyond initial alignment

Emily Tate

Leading with clarity: concrete tips and learning from our journey towards an empowered product organization

In this talk, Francesca will share her concrete experience in shaping the product organization for one of Sweden’s most loved products. She will talk about the importance of clarity, and how you as PM and product leader can identify where it is lacking and act on it. Francesca will share three concrete frameworks she used to bring clarity at different stages of the organization's maturity, and she will walk through how she worked with them to help her organization make the right decisions and create customers and business value. This talk is rooted in applied product practices, and attendees will leave with actionable insights and ideas on how to work toward clarity in their product organization.

Francesca Cortesi

Extreme Clarity: why it matters and how to practice it

Communication is a central skill in product management. Projects require collaboration between people or teams, so it’s essential everyone has the same understanding. When they don’t, bad things happen.

Extreme Clarity is the discipline of improving your communication so that all parties leave with the same understanding — minimising the risk of misinterpretation or error.

Extreme Clarity isn’t free, it takes time, thought, and practice, but the results are worth it.

In this talk, we’ll look at examples of where lack of extreme clarity caused catastrophic results, and cover practical tips that will help everyone up-level their communication to be extremely clear.

Simon Cross