FROM GROWTH TO PROFIT: Rethink Value Creation

Second Stage K2

Rich Mironov: Business Cases Are Stories About Money
Fabrice des Mazery: Act Like an Owner, Challenge Like a VC
Felix Fichtl: Profitability Unplugged: Navigating Data Gaps while delivering Financial Insights

Business Cases Are Stories About Money

Rich’s talk is about framing technical/product work in the fundamental language of executives (revenue). Most go-to-market-side executives are not interested in how we build products or deep technical process discussions – so we need to be bilingual: speaking engineering/design/process with our teams – but revenue and outcomes with our go-to-market partners. Rich will take us through the basic grammar of money stories.

Rich Mironov

Act Like an Owner, Challenge Like a VC

In the era of endless frameworks, from Lean Canvas to RICE and OSTs, the product landscape has been a battleground of methodologies. However, the wake-up call from the end of the free-money era has prompted a critical reevaluation of our priorities, leaving many of us with a sobering reality check.

As profitability emerges as the new priority, it's time for us to redefine our role in the ecosystem.

In this talk, I will divulge my experiences and the strategies that have reshaped my perspective. While I won't claim a one-size-fits-all solution, these insights offer a blueprint for transforming technology from a cost to a profit.

Fabrice des Mazery

Profitability Unplugged: Navigating Data Gaps while delivering Financial Insights

Explore profitability strategies for software products with Felix Fichtl, CFO at SoSafe. Addressing the complexities of data, tooling, and process gaps, Felix shares methods for extracting meaningful profitability insights with limited information. His balanced approach combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, aiming to resolve uncertainties in financial modelling and improve cross-functional communication. Join us for insights into financial acumen tailored for product professionals.

Felix Fichtl