Keynotes & Closing Remarks

Main Stage K6

Karin Schoefegger: AI for a better world: The Role of PMs

Have you recently opened your social media account and *not* felt some fear about your future with the imminent rise of the robots and an artificial general intelligence bringing the end of humanity? Every day, it seems like there's a new AI product launch or technical breakthrough being announced, often in an attention-grabbing and anxiety-inducing style.

As Product Managers, we have a responsibility to cut through that noise and understand the real risks and opportunities of AI on our products and our profession. But with this current hype, it can be challenging to separate the facts from fiction and understand how to navigate the real risks and opportunities of AI.

In this keynote, Karin will dispel some of the myths surrounding AI and explore how to build AI products that are not only innovative but also trustworthy, through real-world examples, lessons learned and practical tips. Expect to leave with stories and insights that will empower and inspire you to take action building products that prioritize reliability, inclusivity, and transparency.

Join Karin in her mission - in your roles as product managers, engineers, designers, and as users - to design, build and shape the products you want to see in the world and contribute to a better future for all. Both in a way you want to see them work, inclusive and safe for everyone, and also for problems that truly matter.
