WINNING TOGETHER: Blueprints for Collaborative Success

Main Stage K6

Emmi Meurling: Unlocking Collaboration: Compassionate Tactics for Product Success
Niamh Jones: From Silos to Success: The Power of Cross-Functional Collaboration in Driving Product Success
Bruce McCarthy: Stakeholder Management: The Most Important Skill Nobody Teaches

Unlocking Collaboration: Compassionate Tactics for Product Success

We know all the methods to build great products, our tool box is full, and our product organizations are onboard. Yet, we encounter the same frustrating patterns with stakeholders: top-down solutions, continuous scope changes, constant questioning of our process and speed, the list goes on. How can we foster effective collaboration and get the whole company on board? Join Emmi as she explores practical strategies and real-life examples rooted in compassion to bridge this gap. Learn how to unlock collaboration and achieve product success by understanding the context, being empathetic, and adapting your mindset.

Emmi Meurling

From Silos to Success: The Power of Cross-Functional Collaboration in Driving Product Success

In this talk, Niamh Jones will delve into the vital role of collaboration across and beyond the product team within B2B SaaS. By emphasizing the cross-functional nature of product management, Niamh will explore how to align customer-facing and internal teams around shared outcomes and metrics. Discover practical ways to promote customer-centricity and leverage collective expertise that enable a culture of innovation and craft solutions to solve real problems and build products that people love.

Niamh Jones

Stakeholder Management: The Most Important Skill Nobody Teaches

To get your product funded and staffed, to get your team and your stakeholders aligned, to keep your customers and your executive sponsors engaged -- for your roadmap to have a chance, you’ve got to become the consummate leader.

In this talk, Bruce McCarthy walks you through his process for gaining and maintaining alignment within your team, among your stakeholders, and across your organization.

Successful product leaders are:

Persuader - someone who understands their audience and homes in on the most relevant factors to influence a certain direction/decision

Translator - someone who speaks the languages of the customer, the business, and technology

Diplomat - someone who helps people see their own interest in collaboration

Cheerleader - someone who make everyone feel important and involved

Negotiator - someone who helps reconcile the irreconcilable

Therapist - someone who listens with a genuine desire to help

Poet - someone who paints a vivid picture of a future where we all benefit

Bruce breaks down the science, so you can practice the art.

Bruce McCarthy